PHONE NUMBER: 01706000141


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+441706000141 , 00441706000141 , 01706000141 , (01706) 000141 , 01706 000141 , +44 1706 000141 , tel:+44-1706-000141

The 01706 phone code covers the Rochdale area.

Phone numbers using this code are in the form of (01706) ### ###.

International callers should call +44 1706 ######.

The centre of the phone code area has a latitude of 53.614086 and longitude of -2.161814.

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The nearest other phone codes are: Rochdale (01706) Manchester (0161) Bolton (01204) Burnley (01282) Halifax (01422)

Similar numbers to 01706000141, 01708002450, 01708004409, 01708004733, 01708002660, 01708002819, 01708000315, 01708003997, 01708004479, 01708001204, 01708002430.

Recent Comments For Similar Numbers

  • 01706081812 - He Is A Good Man
  • 01262001706 - say you had a road traffic accident and there want to help you claim money but they are just liers block them but unfortunatly they just keep pestering from different numbers
  • 01706052750 - whats app call from this number, immediately disconnected on my accepting the call
  • 00170649034 - Suspect this a fraudulent scam call re bank security
  • 01706521106 - Automated call about card being used. Click number etc. Suspicious!
  • 01706375754 - Got a silent call from this number not long after I gave a mobile phone fraud caller an telling off. Not sure if the callers are victims of fraudsters/scammers using their/my number, or whether they're doing scam calls themselves. The silent call soon after the scammer call was odd. They just stayed silent for 20 seconds and hung up, despite me saying hello four times. I called back and bizarrely they played a modem sound down the phone. I called back a few more times and same, kept playing modem sounds which suggests they're probably up to no good, else why not just speak and find out why people are calling them?! Interestingly, the number is shown online for FOUR different convenient type stores based in Littleborough (J AND K Minimarket Ltd, Lake Supermarket, Lake Convenience Store, 'Ake Supermarket) probably one Asian corner shop that tend to frequently change their name/ownership. Very odd indeed.
  • 01706868173 - Called 4 times on Thursday and again today

Recent Comments For Other Numbers

  • 08001217365 - I called them, Virgin Money. 2024-04-20 18:53:42
  • 01706868173 - Called 4 times on Thursday and again today 2024-04-20 17:21:19
  • 07459903136 - SCAM CALL! Automated message played in two languages about passport expiry. Total scam! Block!! 2024-04-20 15:32:11
  • 07552016733 - stating to be royal mail saying they dont have enough address to deliver a parcel and to click a link to amed!? unsure if real but i havent clicked the link 2024-04-20 13:46:21
  • 01280474666 - Called wishing to speak with business owner regarding business funding (no Apr) 2024-04-20 12:57:13
  • 01250400176 - Said they were LOCAL energy advisor, re loft insulation. Wanting to do a survey. The number is not local to us. Scam? 2024-04-20 09:04:46
  • 01733305810 - I have twice been called by this number but there is never anyone there when I speak. The calls are starting to feel a little bit creepy. I know the calls are coming from Peterborough but I don't know anyone there, so if you recognise this number please let me know. Thanks. 2024-04-19 23:37:36
  • 07833744782 - got the impression it was scammers 2024-04-19 18:18:14
  • 01416382701 - I suspect spoofed number - automated voice claiming to be VISA - I hung up 2024-04-19 18:15:22
  • 01625837229 - Called saying there was money being taken out of my back 2024-04-19 17:42:21


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  • Lottery Scam
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  • Consumer Survey
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  • Pension Scam
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