PHONE NUMBER: 01843022891


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+441843022891 , 00441843022891 , 01843022891 , (01843) 022891 , 01843 022891 , +44 1843 022891 , tel:+44-1843-022891

The 01843 phone code covers the Thanet area.

Phone numbers using this code are in the form of (01843) ### ###.

International callers should call +44 1843 ######.

The centre of the phone code area has a latitude of 51.360252 and longitude of 1.348466.

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The nearest other phone codes are: Thanet (01843) Canterbury (01227) Dover (01304) Folkestone (01303) Ashford (Kent) (01233)

Similar numbers to 01843022891, 01841000638, 01841000519, 01841001200, 01840002337, 01840004970, 01840004850, 01842004319, 01848072222, 01848071216, 01841006068.

Recent Comments For Similar Numbers

  • 01843017846 - A caller on this number phoned to say my internet will be disconnected in 25 days unless I take action - scam call
  • 01843084338 - I didnt answer. No message left. They'll have to try again.
  • 01843026780 - This company have a recorded message with very English sounding lady asking if you have been in an accident that isn't your fault. Instead of saying no like I normally do I said yes this time to see who I got. When they answered it was a foreign sounding gentleman who only said "Hello" he instantly put the phone down on me when I asked to be taken off their mailing list without saying another word or giving me the change to say why. Guess this is another scam, if they were genuine they would want to talk to you to find out why and certainly wouldn't be so rude as to just put the phone down.
  • 01843026780 - This company have a recorded message with very English sounding lady asking if you have been in an accident that isn't your fault. Instead of saying no like I normally do I said yes this time to see who I got. When they answered it was a foreign sounding gentleman who only said "Hello" he instantly put the phone down on me when I asked to be taken off their mailing list without saying another word or giving me the change to say why. Guess this is another scam, if they were genuine they would want to talk to you to find out why and certainly wouldn't be so rude as to just put the phone down.
  • 01843093562 - don't give my phone number to anyone other than family and friends . this number phones my mobile but no one ever speaks it's annoying and i think it's harassing.
  • 01843044013 - Someone called from this number and hung up when answered. I blocked the number.
  • 01843097662 - Says from claims dept, but I'm sure we were called to assess whether our number was live😮
  • 01843090297 - Car accident chasers. SPAM
  • 01843028191 - Bangladesh
  • 01843019454 - Rang me but hung up whenphone answered

Recent Comments For Other Numbers

  • 01250400176 - Said they were LOCAL energy advisor, re loft insulation. Wanting to do a survey. The number is not local to us. Scam? 2024-04-20 09:04:46
  • 01733305810 - I have twice been called by this number but there is never anyone there when I speak. The calls are starting to feel a little bit creepy. I know the calls are coming from Peterborough but I don't know anyone there, so if you recognise this number please let me know. Thanks. 2024-04-19 23:37:36
  • 07833744782 - got the impression it was scammers 2024-04-19 18:18:14
  • 01416382701 - I suspect spoofed number - automated voice claiming to be VISA - I hung up 2024-04-19 18:15:22
  • 01625837229 - Called saying there was money being taken out of my back 2024-04-19 17:42:21
  • 07945088232 - banking scam 2024-04-19 17:40:12
  • 01865419272 - when asked by my callcheck who was they hung up I find this suspicious 2024-04-19 17:28:07
  • 07765688477 - Scam call from asian person claiming my phone will be cut off 2024-04-19 17:17:38
  • 01823252938 - chinese voicemail left 2024-04-19 16:47:30
  • 02080729905 - called stating my loft insulation is dangerous and i have to have their survey carried out put phone down on them as fed up with repeated calls about this p.s loft is not dangerous as has been surveyed by family member who is a surveyor` 2024-04-19 16:44:59


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