PHONE NUMBER: 01986000080


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+441986000080 , 00441986000080 , 01986000080 , (01986) 000080 , 01986 000080 , +44 1986 000080 , tel:+44-1986-000080

The 01986 phone code covers the Bungay area.

Phone numbers using this code are in the form of (01986) ### ###.

International callers should call +44 1986 ######.

The centre of the phone code area has a latitude of 52.455457 and longitude of 1.443976.

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The nearest other phone codes are: Bungay (01986) Brooke (01508) Lowestoft (01502) Norwich (01603) Diss (01379)

Similar numbers to 01986000080, 01988001928, 01988002777, 01988003520, 01988001993, 01988000808, 01988003488, 01988001008, 01988004514, 01988003104, 01988004885.

Recent Comments For Similar Numbers

  • 01986038914 - Ihi
  • 01986031672 - May be part of a larger scam set up comprising 01575 692042 (Kirriemuir, Scotland) says broadband being disconnected wanting me to press a button to be connected to goodness knows who or where. Probably dangerous if you press a button. 01986031672 (North Wales) Six mins later. I didn't speak so may not have triggered message 01133949126 (Leeds) One minute later. I didn't speak so may not have triggered message
  • 01986047394 - threatened to disconnect internet
  • 01986030056 - Probable cold caller/scam
  • 01986047739 - No communication when I answered.
  • 01986084717 - Personal accident scam (they had heard that I had been in an accident that was not my fault). Blocked on my mobile.
  • 01986080452 - Didn't stay on the call long enough to find out what it was, but seemed like a scam/spam call to my mobile. They hung up before I could find out what they wanted. It sounded like the hiss of a machine at the other end, not a worng number in a human environment.
  • 01986017218 - Kon jaiga

Recent Comments For Other Numbers

  • 07833744782 - got the impression it was scammers 2024-04-19 18:18:14
  • 01416382701 - I suspect spoofed number - automated voice claiming to be VISA - I hung up 2024-04-19 18:15:22
  • 01625837229 - Called saying there was money being taken out of my back 2024-04-19 17:42:21
  • 07945088232 - banking scam 2024-04-19 17:40:12
  • 01865419272 - when asked by my callcheck who was they hung up I find this suspicious 2024-04-19 17:28:07
  • 07765688477 - Scam call from asian person claiming my phone will be cut off 2024-04-19 17:17:38
  • 01823252938 - chinese voicemail left 2024-04-19 16:47:30
  • 02080729905 - called stating my loft insulation is dangerous and i have to have their survey carried out put phone down on them as fed up with repeated calls about this p.s loft is not dangerous as has been surveyed by family member who is a surveyor` 2024-04-19 16:44:59
  • 07579422160 - recorded message telling me that there is a problem with my visa and I am to ......(this is where I ended the call as I have no visa or visa application ) 2024-04-19 16:34:48
  • 01413679790 - Regrettably I was online a few evenings ago and I entered my details on a survey of some sort. Why I did it I will never know. Until the fateful survey my phone number has never been visible to the tsunami off scam call warriors. The morning after the regretful survey, I have been hounded by relentless unknowns callers. So I’m not 100% sure it’s a unwanted call, but I’m 100% sure this number didn’t ring me before the survey that won’t leave me alone! 2024-04-19 16:12:49


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  • Lottery Scam
  • ApplePay Scam
  • Life Insurance Scam
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  • Consumer Survey
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  • Pension Scam
  • DPD Scam