PHONE NUMBER: 07523170952


07523170952 has been searched for 16 times and has 0 comments.

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+447523170952 , 00447523170952 , 07523170952 , (07523) 170952 , 07523 170952 , +44 7523 170952 , tel:+44-7523-170952

The UK mobile number 07523170952 has a prefix of 07523, which belongs to the O2 network.

Timezones: Europe/Guernsey, Europe/Isle_of_Man, Europe/Jersey, Europe/London

Country: GB (United Kingdom)

Similar numbers to 07523170952, 07526002488, 07526002473, 07526002588, 07526004484, 07526003182, 07526004865, 07526000532, 07526003483, 07526000610, 07523003182.

Recent Comments For Similar Numbers

  • 07523026696 - Asks you to log into your paypal account. Pretends there has been an unauthorised access.
  • 07523098028 - Rude! Ring house phone and then ask for someone who isn't on this number. They don't apologise for calling, just hang up.
  • 07523098028 - Some sort of home energy company. Probably a scam.
  • 07523026693 - Paypal account limited due to failed payment from Please login at ************. Scam!! Phishing.
  • 07523068152 - Kept calling when I didn't pick up. Picked up after the 5th time, man answered and asked who I was. I said my name, he asked who I was, again. I stopped the call. Don't know who it was, felt fishy
  • 07523098028 - wouldn't give company name. rude and aggressive
  • 01246075236 - Called me once and I tried to call back but it cuts of before any rings are even heard
  • 07523098028 - Rude and offensive, insulted my wife.
  • 07523098028 - Extremely rude - Claimed to be my home energy advisor for my postcode area and asked if my home was heated by oil or gas. I said if you know my area you'll know we don't have gas to which she actually said "you are one rude *****!" Made reference to the Panorama program shown last night about carbon footprint and said this was why I was getting so many calls. 2 in under 15minutes one purporting to offer loft insulation then this one - I don't think so!
  • 01342075231 - I got a call from this number which due to the fact I have gotten random calls once in a while from numbers that begin in 013 or similar or no name attatched, I simply denied the call. Once attempting to find out if this was a known spam number (surprisingly wasn't) I attempted to call back to find the number being invalid which I find to be a staple of a spam number.

Recent Comments For Other Numbers

  • 01250400176 - Said they were LOCAL energy advisor, re loft insulation. Wanting to do a survey. The number is not local to us. Scam? 2024-04-20 09:04:46
  • 01733305810 - I have twice been called by this number but there is never anyone there when I speak. The calls are starting to feel a little bit creepy. I know the calls are coming from Peterborough but I don't know anyone there, so if you recognise this number please let me know. Thanks. 2024-04-19 23:37:36
  • 07833744782 - got the impression it was scammers 2024-04-19 18:18:14
  • 01416382701 - I suspect spoofed number - automated voice claiming to be VISA - I hung up 2024-04-19 18:15:22
  • 01625837229 - Called saying there was money being taken out of my back 2024-04-19 17:42:21
  • 07945088232 - banking scam 2024-04-19 17:40:12
  • 01865419272 - when asked by my callcheck who was they hung up I find this suspicious 2024-04-19 17:28:07
  • 07765688477 - Scam call from asian person claiming my phone will be cut off 2024-04-19 17:17:38
  • 01823252938 - chinese voicemail left 2024-04-19 16:47:30
  • 02080729905 - called stating my loft insulation is dangerous and i have to have their survey carried out put phone down on them as fed up with repeated calls about this p.s loft is not dangerous as has been surveyed by family member who is a surveyor` 2024-04-19 16:44:59


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  • Lottery Scam
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  • Consumer Survey
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  • Pension Scam
  • DPD Scam