PHONE NUMBER: 01252000113


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+441252000113 , 00441252000113 , 01252000113 , (01252) 000113 , 01252 000113 , +44 1252 000113 , tel:+44-1252-000113

The 01252 phone code covers the Aldershot area.

Phone numbers using this code are in the form of (01252) ### ###.

International callers should call +44 1252 ######.

The centre of the phone code area has a latitude of 51.248366 and longitude of -0.755751.

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The nearest other phone codes are: Aldershot (01252) Camberley (01276) Guildford (01483) Bracknell (01344) Haslemere (01428)

Similar numbers to 01252000113, 01250003215, 01259055016, 01253003001, 01256004995, 01255029855, 01256072997, 01259010322, 01250468490, 01250059567, 01258073387.

Recent Comments For Similar Numbers

  • 01252035977 - Phone call from this number 18/9/19 to ask me about the accident I had which wasn't my fault. Strangely unable to provide any information and hung up when I asked when this had happened.
  • 01252038309 - Called claiming to be from BootSpark (or something similar sounding) asking about the car crash I hadn't been in. Told her this was incorrect and to remove my details from her system; was passed through to their call centre anyway. When I repeated my request, hung up. Obviously fraud.
  • 01252037853 - This is a scam. Female voice tells you that your account is being debited in 15 minutes and that you need to make a call to stop this.
  • 01474012527 - hung up when answered
  • 01252045064 - Didn't answer and no message so don't know...
  • 01252098726 - selling something
  • 01252229668 - scammer
  • 01252680094 - cold calling trying to get you to have a free survey done for loft insulation. Do not listen when you tell them yours is only 6 months old!!! May leave it a week then calls again....SHUT THEM DOWN!!!
  • 01252218716 - Loft insulation scam call. The person Introduced himself and explained he was calling from 'the regional insulation specialist company and proceeded to ask about my lof insulation. When asked who he represented he repeated some generic name and said he was calling to see if I qualified for free loft insulation & ventilation help. When asked if they could confirm the name of the person they were talking to they immediately hung up the call.
  • 01252240185 - No one said anything

Recent Comments For Other Numbers

  • 02032899977 - scam outfil pretending to be tech support for HP software 2024-04-25 23:00:11
  • 07458195017 - Impersonated as Just Eat 2024-04-25 21:20:49
  • 07478835823 - this message says it from EE has a link But the number is from Three network 2024-04-25 20:44:31
  • 08001697762 - says was my bank lol my bank would not call me for my details 2024-04-25 20:05:30
  • 07599512103 - Scam 2024-04-25 18:14:15
  • 07744420604 - Suggest internet problem, invited to turn on my ‘device’ and give them control Ha ha !! 2024-04-25 17:30:13
  • 07502880441 - Good ???????????? 2024-04-25 16:53:44
  • 02032984754 - said they were from a energy helpline I put the phone down 2024-04-25 16:53:23
  • 01512883182 - Keep calling me - don’t know who they are 2024-04-23 20:39:12
  • 03458400900 - It’s a scam message Automated message Checked on internet this has happened globally 2024-04-23 19:40:32


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  • Lottery Scam
  • ApplePay Scam
  • Life Insurance Scam
  • Energy Bill Scam
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  • Consumer Survey
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  • Pension Scam
  • DPD Scam