PHONE NUMBER: 01388054141


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+441388054141 , 00441388054141 , 01388054141 , (01388) 054141 , 01388 054141 , +44 1388 054141 , tel:+44-1388-054141

The 01388 phone code covers the Bishop Auckland / Stanhope area.

Phone numbers using this code are in the form of (01388) ### ###.

International callers should call +44 1388 ######.

The centre of the phone code area has a latitude of 54.712984 and longitude of -1.792949.

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The nearest other phone codes are: Bishop Auckland, Stanhope (01388) Consett (01207) Barnard Castle (01833) Sedgefield (01740) Newcastle upon Tyne, Durham, Sunderland (0191)

Similar numbers to 01388054141, 01382004456, 01382001315, 01382004290, 01382004420, 01386293293, 01387022909, 01389005798, 01381030652, 01380045233, 01387005542.

Recent Comments For Similar Numbers

  • 01388027849 - Likly scam as the call was to inform that my BT internet would be cancelled
  • 01388022852 - Claim to be from BT Openreach calling as an emergency courtesy to help remove hacker information reported via your internet connection. They try to con you into giving them all your debit card and bank details for an £11.90 fee. slam the phone down when you question them for proof. Avoid like the plague.
  • 01262001388 - "heard you were involved in an accident"...... scam/harassing.
  • 01388054835 - Usual Insurance Scam "you had a non fault accident". When you call number back, it is an invalid number.
  • 01388037945 - Accident Insurance caller. You have had an accident in the last 3 years? I answered and the female gave her pitch and when I answered, her response was robotic almost like an artificial intelligence she/ it asked me three questions the pauses and responses didn't appear human I felt they just wanted to keep me on the line and so I hung up before a minute.
  • 01388063175 - Telling people they have been involved in car accidents that were not their fault
  • 01388070003 - Trying to claim that I was in a car accident that wasn’t my fault. Haven’t been in a car accident in a decade
  • 01388076915 - The caller had been told I had a car accident. Absolute rubbish.
  • 01388021891 - Sphinx Alpine Services - pain - accident claim company obviously bought a database of phone numbers
  • 01388034980 - This number called me. Rang 3 times, answered it, line went dead.

Recent Comments For Other Numbers

  • 02032899977 - scam outfil pretending to be tech support for HP software 2024-04-25 23:00:11
  • 07458195017 - Impersonated as Just Eat 2024-04-25 21:20:49
  • 07478835823 - this message says it from EE has a link But the number is from Three network 2024-04-25 20:44:31
  • 08001697762 - says was my bank lol my bank would not call me for my details 2024-04-25 20:05:30
  • 07599512103 - Scam 2024-04-25 18:14:15
  • 07744420604 - Suggest internet problem, invited to turn on my ‘device’ and give them control Ha ha !! 2024-04-25 17:30:13
  • 07502880441 - Good ???????????? 2024-04-25 16:53:44
  • 02032984754 - said they were from a energy helpline I put the phone down 2024-04-25 16:53:23
  • 01512883182 - Keep calling me - don’t know who they are 2024-04-23 20:39:12
  • 03458400900 - It’s a scam message Automated message Checked on internet this has happened globally 2024-04-23 19:40:32


Most Reported
  • Lottery Scam
  • ApplePay Scam
  • Life Insurance Scam
  • Energy Bill Scam
  • Car Injury Scam
  • Consumer Survey
  • MBNA Scam
  • Barclays Scam
  • Pension Scam
  • DPD Scam