PHONE NUMBER: 01618843730


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+441618843730 , 00441618843730 , 01618843730 , (01618) 843730 , 01618 843730 , +44 1618 843730 , tel:+44-1618-843730

The 0161 phone code covers the Manchester area.

Phone numbers using this code are in the form of (0161) ### ####.

International callers should call +44 161 #######.

The centre of the phone code area has a latitude of 53.479251 and longitude of -2.247926.

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The nearest other phone codes are: Manchester (0161) Rochdale (01706) Bolton (01204) Glossop (01457) New Mills (01663)

Similar numbers to 01618843730, 01617111471, 01610001243, 01610004978, 01618508162, 01615050748, 01616508162, 01610242016, 01615050743, 01615050742, 01618881271.

Recent Comments For Similar Numbers

  • 01618508162 - loads of calls from this number, dont answer
  • 01618508162 - keeps caling me. scam
  • 01618147987 - SPAM
  • 01618431166 - Unknown number called no response.
  • 01618435922 - Caller asking for personal info, after claiming my boiler service contract was due to expire ,as I am a heating engineer ,I don't have one . when I told him he is not getting any info from me ,he hung up ,it seems was an Indian scammer .
  • 01618840162 - 01618840162 called me but rang off when I spoke. He described me as "using a voice enhancer" I actually use a SERVOX ELECTRONIC VOICE because I have had a tracheotomy and I can not speak without it. Obviously a very educated caller Did he ring my number expecting me to not answer. Maybe it's a new game "call any number and hopefully we'll find someone using a voice enhancer"
  • 01618180638 - Usual female unintelligible Asian voice. Hung up and blocked.
  • 01618421172 - This number and many close deritives has been ringing continuously, over 70 times, over last 4 days. It's either seemingly Insurance, accident claim or hmrc, anything they think you will bite on. Have told them to stop harassing me, then blocked. A closely related different number then tries again, within next 15min. Won't tell me, how they have got my number! Total bottom feeders!
  • 01618837593 - Received a letter regarding a government grant. Bury council say it is an ECO/Grant2023.
  • 01618188245 - First claimed to be Sky checking my broadband speed. When I asked them to prove who they were they hung up. Called again within 2 minutes then claiming to be Virgin Media.

Recent Comments For Other Numbers

  • 02032899977 - scam outfil pretending to be tech support for HP software 2024-04-25 23:00:11
  • 07458195017 - Impersonated as Just Eat 2024-04-25 21:20:49
  • 07478835823 - this message says it from EE has a link But the number is from Three network 2024-04-25 20:44:31
  • 08001697762 - says was my bank lol my bank would not call me for my details 2024-04-25 20:05:30
  • 07599512103 - Scam 2024-04-25 18:14:15
  • 07744420604 - Suggest internet problem, invited to turn on my ‘device’ and give them control Ha ha !! 2024-04-25 17:30:13
  • 07502880441 - Good ???????????? 2024-04-25 16:53:44
  • 02032984754 - said they were from a energy helpline I put the phone down 2024-04-25 16:53:23
  • 01512883182 - Keep calling me - don’t know who they are 2024-04-23 20:39:12
  • 03458400900 - It’s a scam message Automated message Checked on internet this has happened globally 2024-04-23 19:40:32


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  • Lottery Scam
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  • Life Insurance Scam
  • Energy Bill Scam
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  • Consumer Survey
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  • Barclays Scam
  • Pension Scam
  • DPD Scam